Senin, 08 Juni 2009

Kingdom of Tarumanegara

Tarumanagara or Taruma Kingdom is a kingdom that once in power in the west Java in the 4th century to century-7 M. Taruma is one of the oldest kingdom in Indonesia that left the note history. In a note of history and heritage artefacts in the vicinity of the location of the kingdom, seen at the time that the Kingdom is Taruma beraliran Vishnu Hindu kingdom.
History as the source of which is the inscription:

1. Kebon Kopi inscription, made around 400 M (H Kern 1917), found in coffee plantations owned by Jonathan Rig, ciampea, Bogor

2. Tugu inscription, found in Kampung Batutumbu, Tugu village, District Tarumajaya, Kabupaten Bekasi, now stored in museums in Jakarta. Inscription to explain the contents Candrabaga River by digging and digging Rajadirajaguru by Purnawarman Gomati River in the 22-year period pemerintahannya.Penggalian rivers idea is to avoid natural disasters such as floods that often occur during the Purnawarman government, and the drought that occurred during the dry season.

3. Cidanghiyang inscription or Prasasti Munjul, found in the flow of Cidanghiang River that flows in the Village of Lebak, District Munjul, Pandeglang regency, Banten, panegyric to King Purnawarman.

4. Ciaruteun inscription, ciampea, Bogor

5. Estuary Cianten inscription, ciampea, Bogor

6. Cashew inscription, Nanggung, Bogor

7. Inscription Pasir Awi, Citeureup, Bogor

Kings Tarumanagara the manuscript Wangsakerta
Kings Tarumanegara
No period of the King
1 Jayasingawarman

2 Dharmayawarman

3 Purnawarman

4 Wisnuwarman

5 Indrawarman

6 Candrawarman

7 Suryawarman

8 Kertawarman

9 Sudhawarman

10 Hariwangsawarman

11 Nagajayawarman

12 Linggawarman

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